Tuesday, November 29, 2011

journal #17

17. Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you. 

My biggest concern right now is how this world is slowly going down a very harmful path. The whole world is suffering from money loss and even though it could easily be fixed, the greedy people who run about everything will not allow it. Atrocious people are the only ones who seem to be enjoying this world and its not fair. As time goes by people become less and less human without any morals what so ever. The human race is monstrous. We destroy everything that is beautiful and we are even killing our own home, our planet. We start war with our brothers, we steal,kill, lie, cheat and its only getting worse. I'm scared for my future and especially for my family. How will this world be for my children?. That question is always on my mind. It worries me and it should not be this way. This world shouldn't be like this where everything is horrid and unfair but what can i do?. i am nothing against the people who run this world. they have wealth they have everything and they're not going to give that up so everyone else can have a better life as well.

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